There is no activity in the Job Function Email Database fellowship. We don't have forums, we don't have rallies. I think as a Jewish community we have to find practical ways to fight the rise of anti-Semitism. The focus of Fellowship is a tangible Job Function Email Database way. There are many different areas and ways to stop the rise of anti-Semitism or do what we can, which is to focus on getting the Christian community to stand with us against anti-Semitism. I can tell you that their voices are very, very loud and have a great influence all over Job Function Email Database the world. But plus, sometimes I look at the numbers, it's scary.
It is frightening to see more anti-Semitic Job Function Email Database attacks and incidents in some European countries than at any time since the end of World War II. There is propaganda everywhere, reminiscent of Germany in the 1930s. What's scary is what's going on and what people accept they don't know. I think this is the Job Function Email Database scariest. It's true that there are some evil people trying to spread anti-Semitism on purpose, but I think the scariest thing is giving a platform to people who don't necessarily know Israel - they can be Job Function Email Database totally influenced and their minds can be affected by these lies and lies against Israel and replaced by conspiracy.
But I think it's also important to put in Job Function Email Database perspective that we're in many ways going through one of the most amazing golden ages for the Jewish people, maybe ever. Our State of Israel has an army, a government with a Job Function Email Database purpose, to protect the Jewish people. We have a state - and when anti-Semitism rises around the world, which it always does eventually - we can actually have a safe place. So I've also Job Function Email Database kept that in mind, and for the first time in all the desperate and horrific numbers, we have a country committed to protecting us.